Saturday, May 2, 2009

Funny things Corban says!

Today I went shopping (all day long) with Heather, the boys and Sam. Seriously, we were shopping all day long!! We were trying to find some summer clothes for Corban because he has grown and nothing fits him from last summer! Sam was looking for a new outfit or two for her trip to Utah and Heather..........well Heather just loves to shop for anything!!! We had lunch first at the Olive Garden and then began the process of shopping. Anyway, Corban and Jayce were such the little troopers! I know it can't be fun shopping but they are always so good but today after several hours.........yes hours Corban started to get a little cranky and just wanted to do anything else but go into another clothing store. Heather promised him a toy if he could just hold on a little longer so he decided that he wanted a "Rocket Rod Fishing Pole". Now once Corban sets his mind on something it does not change until HE decides to change it. Every store we would go into he would say "NO - NO I want a "Rocket Rod Fishing Pole"!! Finally after about 5 stores of this I asked him what a "Rocket Rod Fishing Pole" was to which he replied "Its a fising pole you shoot way out in the know a Rocket Rod Fishing Pole............"as seen on t.v."! So as you can guess.............either Heather or I will be purchasing a Rocket Rod Fishing Pole as seen on t.v.!!!
Another funny.............last Thursday Heather made a big pot of Potato Chicken soup (it was so good....mmmmmm) and invited me and Jonas over to eat dinner with them. So we go over and of course Corban is playing with Jonas and not eating and so Heather is trying to get him to sit down and eat. He finally sits down and says to Heather "will you feed me" Heather said "yes, I would love to feed you"! to which Corban replied "but don't put food all over my face like you do to Jayce"!! I laughed so hard................this kid is so funny!!
I guess these little guys see the world from a whole different perspective than we do!! Thanks Corban my little buckaroo for making me laugh!! I love you and your little brother so much!!


  1. Kids say the funniest things. What a little trooper though, my kids are tired after an hour at WalMart! I save my mall shopping for when my kids are with my mom.

  2. Sam needs to start practicing to shop with the pros! :) Corban is such a good kid. He really is. Thanks for the fun day!!

  3. Next time you go shopping ALL DAY LONG you should let Corban and Jayce go to Aunt Val's house!! I can understand why Corban would be scared when Heather feeds him, have you ever seen her face when she is done eating? She's a freakin mess! hahaha Hey, me and Delaney went to the movie this weekend and we decided the girl in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past(the one getting married) looks like Sam. Go see it and tell us what you think. Give those boys a kiss for us and tell them we love them.

  4. What darling grandbabies we are just so lucky, We did receive your package, Im sorry I thought I sent you an email, they were so very very good, I think I gained 5 lbs from them , Cory couldnt get enough as well, what a grreat friend you are.

  5. I love to hear what comes out of the mouths of babes. So cute, thanks for sharing and making me laugh.

  6. He is so cute! I bet you love having him so close to spend good fun days (and shopping days)with them!
