Friday, January 16, 2009

Meagan and Family

This is our niece Meagan and her husband Dave with kiddies Kaelah, Morgan and Miles (or as Corban says "Baby Smiles"). We got to see Baby Smiles for the first time on Halloween 2008. He is such a happy baby and big sisters Kaelah and Morgan are sooooo beautiful!! Hopefully we will get to see and spend some time with them in 2009. The girls are so smart and talented (like I said earlier, I have the most beautiful, smart and talented nieces and nephews!) They are so smart in school and they stay busy after school keeping their Mom running them everywhere. Miles "smiles :) " has learned to crawl and pull himself up so he really keeps his Mom on her toes!! Thanks for letting me share some of my nieces and nephews with you!


  1. I bet you're family all loves you!

  2. Peggy~ thanks so so much for all of the information. You are awesome!

  3. Peggy, I was so excited to see your comment on Candee's blog and find your blog. I miss all the fun times shared with your family, it's sad how time changes everything. You can check out my blog by copying and pasting the address in the navigation bar. It's so fun to see your darling are Jim & Sue?
