Friday, January 16, 2009

Dakota & Delaney

So, I am taking down the Photo Christmas Cards and thought I would share with everyone. This is my niece and nephew Delaney and Dakota. I am so proud of them they are both very beautiful and smart. Dakota (8th grade) played basketball on Wednesday and was starting on the Varsity team, he scored 3 3-point shots as well as several 2 pointers for a total of 12 points, then he played starter J.V. where he scored 2o points!! He is so good at any sports he plays!! He also made high-honors with a g.p.a. of 3.87!! Delaney (3rd grade) passed her principal division test with a 100%, she is 1 of 3 kids in her class that have been accepted to the Peak Program (for smart kids only!). She is also doing competive cheerleading and will be attending a USA competition in February. I will keep you posted on how she does. They are such fun! I love them so very much!!!!!


  1. They are so cute. I can't believe how big they are getting. It seems like just yesterday that Val and Deb worked together and Val would tell us Dalaney wanted to stay home from school and have a girls day. They are so cute and I really hope my kids are as driven and talented!

  2. Dalaney is so dang cute! I can't believe how big she is getting already. I still think the whole "MyKella" thing was too crazy. Dakota is such a handsome boy. Everyone you talk to that knows him just loves him and says what a good kid he is! Awesome at sports too. He has a good coach at home with Jeff. And a good cheerleader with Val! I bet it is hard to be so far away from family. When's the next trip to Utah?
