Sunday, August 9, 2009

Look who's 1

Jayce turned 1 year old August 8, 2009!!! He had fun opening his gifts and he loved each one of them!! He got a drum that teaches him the ABC's in english and spanish from Uncle Jonas. Some really cute clothes from Uncle Matt and Aunt Sam and Grandma & Grandpa gave him a Mickey Mouse airplane that makes all sorts of noises and some books (they also make noise) and some clothes. His Mom and Dad and big brother Corban gave him a learning center (yes it makes noise too) and a truck, some clothes, books...........I lost track because he was really raking in the gifts!! He loved opening them up and just wanted to play with each one. He was so cute and fun!!!
Jayce has really been a joy to all of us and he has grown so fast!! I love watching him grow and learn new things daily!!! I love seeing him almost every day and spending time with him. I love giving him hugs and kisses and getting them too!!! Happy Birthday my little Jayce-a-roo we love you very much!!!
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1 comment:

  1. Bring him to Utah. I want to give him hugs and kisses too! I can't wait to see them next month. Yeah!!!
